See our offer
Location | Горно Соње |
Area Squared | 105m2 |
Type of real estate |
Location | Даме Груев (Ѓ. Петров) |
Year of construction
03/2024 |
Area of apartments
61м2 – 74м2 |
Number of apartments
25 |
Location | Novoselski Pat, Даме Груев |
Area Squared | 61m2, 74m2 |
Type of real estate |
Project | "Green Coast Resort & Residence" |
Albania |
Area of villas
173м2 – 345м2 |
Број на вили
900 |
Location | Albania |
Area Squared | 173m2, 345m2 |
Type of real estate |
Project | Kisela Voda |
Рок на градба
10/2024 |
Area of apartments
33m2 – 80m2 |
Number of apartments
15 |
Location | Kisela Voda |
Area Squared | 33m2, 39m2, 80m2 |
Type of real estate |
Location | Kozle |
Рок на градба
09/2024 |
Површина на стан
35м2 |
Вкупно станови
6 |
Location | Kozle |
Area Squared | 35m2 |
Type of real estate |
Project | "Vlora Marina" |
Year of construction
/ |
Површини на апартмани
66m2 – 230m2 |
Број на апартмани
800 |
Location | Albania |
Area Squared | 66m2, 230m2 |
Type of real estate |
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See our offer
Location | Горно Соње |
Area Squared | 105m2 |
Type of real estate |
Location | Даме Груев (Ѓ. Петров) |
Year of construction
03/2024 |
Area of apartments
61м2 – 74м2 |
Number of apartments
25 |
Location | Novoselski Pat, Даме Груев |
Area Squared | 61m2, 74m2 |
Type of real estate |
Project | "Green Coast Resort & Residence" |
Albania |
Area of villas
173м2 – 345м2 |
Број на вили
900 |
Location | Albania |
Area Squared | 173m2, 345m2 |
Type of real estate |
Project | Kisela Voda |
Рок на градба
10/2024 |
Area of apartments
33m2 – 80m2 |
Number of apartments
15 |
Location | Kisela Voda |
Area Squared | 33m2, 39m2, 80m2 |
Type of real estate |
Location | Kozle |
Рок на градба
09/2024 |
Површина на стан
35м2 |
Вкупно станови
6 |
Location | Kozle |
Area Squared | 35m2 |
Type of real estate |
Project | "Vlora Marina" |
Year of construction
/ |
Површини на апартмани
66m2 – 230m2 |
Број на апартмани
800 |
Location | Albania |
Area Squared | 66m2, 230m2 |
Type of real estate |
Project | Hrom |
Рок на градба
10/2024 |
Површини на стан
141м2 |
Number of apartments
4 |
Location | Hrom |
Area Squared | 141m2 |
Type of real estate |
Project | Тафталиџе |
Рок на градба
05 / 2025 |
111м2-148м2-157м2 |
Number of apartments
6 |
Location | Taftalidze 2 |
Area Squared | 157m2, 111m2, 148m2 |
Type of real estate |
Location | Аеродром |
2022 |
Area Squared
56м2 |
Number of rooms
1+2 |
Location | Аеродром |
Area Squared | 56m2 |
Type of real estate |
Location | Центар / Веро Џамбо |
2021 |
Area Squared
60м2 |
Number of rooms
1+2 |
Location | Центар |
Area Squared | 60m2 |
Type of real estate |
Location | Центар / "DIAMOND" |
2023 |
Area Squared
106м2 |
Number of rooms
1+2 |
Location | Центар |
Area Squared | 106m2 |
Type of real estate |
Location | К.Вода |
Year of construction
2023 |
Површина на стан
55м2 |
број на спални соби
2 |
Location | Kisela Voda |
Area Squared | 55m2 |
Type of real estate |
Location | Центар |
Area Squared
59м2 |
Спални соби
2 |
1 |
Location | Центар |
Area Squared | 59m2 |
Type of real estate |
Project | Центар |
Рок на градба
12-15 месеци |
59м2-81м2-117м2 |
Number of apartments
6 |
Location | Центар |
Area Squared | 117m2, 59m2, 81m2 |
Type of real estate |
Location | Kozle |
Рок на градба
09/2024 |
Површина на стан
62м2 |
Вкупно станови
6 |
Location | Kozle |
Area Squared | 62m2 |
Type of real estate |
Project | Жданец |
Рок на градба
15 месеци |
50м2 - 99м2 |
Number of apartments
10 |
Location | Жданец |
Area Squared | 50m2, 52m2, 53m2, 54m2, 77m2, 95m2, 99m2 |
Type of real estate |
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Hiring a real estate agency is an investment in expertise and efficiency. Their knowledge, combined with a commitment to client success, makes real estate management more manageable and increases the likelihood of a successful and satisfying transaction.
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Investing in real estate is a multifaceted strategy that has proven to be a profitable and sustainable wealth building option for many.